Human-Embedded Autonomous Flight Under Formal Task Specifications

Master Thesis at École Polytechnique 2017


We investigate Quadcopter autonomous navigation under formal task specifications in static or dynamic environments using correct-by-construction controllers

Master Thesis Report at École Polytechnique 2017
  1. Design and build quadrotors based on the Snapdragon Platform with PX4 as the autopilot.
  2. Implementation of a fast trajectory generator for quadrotors based on the minimum snap approach and a new problem modeling to improve stability and speed
  3. Human interface with virtual reality and autonomous flight of a quadrotor via eye-tracking
  4. Tracking of stochastically moving targets using POMDP (Partially Observable Markov Decision Process) and human input
  5. Model checking and planning of UAVs autonomous missions with specifications written in linear temporal logic (LTL)
Franck Djeumou
Franck Djeumou
Assistant Professor